The examination of the application

After the personal interview, the protection officer checks whether the statements of the applicant are credible. If this is the case, the protection officers examines whether the applicant is eligible for refugee status or subsidiary protection status. The Commissioner General, his deputy or the person responsible for a geographical section at the CGRS takes the final decision about the application.

Types of decisions

The CGRS can take a decision on the basis of the content of the file. Different types of decisions are possible.

The CGRS can exclude the applicant from a protection status. The CGRS can also reassess the validity of a previously granted protection status.

Motivation of the decision

When refugee status and/or subsidiary protection status is refused, the CGRS explains the reasons for its decision in an extensive motivation. The applicant and his lawyer get access to the file and to the information on which the decision is based.

The decision terms

Processing time of your application for international protection.