Overview asylum statistics 2014

The CGRS has published its figures for the month of December 2014.

The following information can be taken from these statistics:

  • In December 2014, 1,645 asylum applications were filed in Belgium, i.e. an increase of 7.7 % in comparison with November 2014 and an increase of 54.3 % in comparison with December 2013.
  • 601 (36.5 %) of the 1,645 asylum applications registered in December are multiple asylum applications.
  • In December the main countries of origin were Syria (283 applications, 17.2 %), Guinea (160 applications, 9.7 %), Afghanistan (157 applications, 9.5 %), Iraq (108 applications, 6.6 %) and Russia (86 applications, 5.2 %). Kosovo (4.7 %), Albania (3 %), RD Congo (2.8 %), the asylum seekers whose nationality is undetermined (2.6 %) and Cameroon (2.3 %) complete the top 10 of countries of origin.
  • In December, the total amount of decisions taken by the CGRS amounted to 1,954 decisions, 557 of which were taken as part of the processing of multiple applications (159 decisions taking the case into consideration and 398 decisions refusing to take the case into consideration).
  • Among the 1,397 other decisions (decisions on the substance) taken by the CGRS in December, 712 decisions granted refugee status and 96 decisions granted subsidiary protection. In December 2014, the protection rate amounts to 57.9 % (808 positive decisions out of 1,397 decisions on the substance).
  • In 2014, the rate of protection granted by the CGRS amounts to 46.8 % (6,146 positive decisions out of 13,132 decisions on the substance).
  • At the end of December, the total workload of the CGRS consisted of 5,565 cases. 3,900 cases can be considered as a normal workload. The actual workload consists of 1,665 cases.
29 December 2014