The cooperation with partners takes various forms: operational cooperation and coordination, practical collaboration and information exchange, discussion and dialogue, integrated project work,...
Chain partners
The IO is part of the Federal Public Service Interior and implements aliens policy in Belgium. The IO registers asylum applications and determines the Member State that is responsible for processing it (Dublin III Regulation). The IO is partially responsible for the return of migrants, via among other options.
The Council for Alien Law Litigation (CALL)
The CALL is an independent administrative law court that is authorised to process appeals against decisions taken by the IO (decisions in alien cases) and the CGRS (in asylum dossiers).
Other partners in the asylum procedure
The Federal Agency for the reception of asylum seekers (Fedasil)
Fedasil is responsible for the organisation of good quality reception and support in open centres. Fedasil is also responsible for monitoring and receiving unaccompanied minors. Fedasil coordinates voluntary return programmes.
The Guardianship Service (FPS Justice)
The Guardianship service identifies unaccompanied minor foreign nationals and ensures that a representative is appointed. Via the coordinator for minors, the CGRS works closely with representatives and the Guardianship Service.
The Red Cross provides reception for applicants for international protection in their own reception centres, under the coordination of Fedasil. The Red Cross uses Restoring Family Links (RFL-Rode Kruis Vlaanderen) and Rétablissement des Liens Familiaux (RLF- Croix Rouge de Belgique) to trace missing family members that are related to refugees.
The CGRS is part of the Federal Public Service Interior. The personnel and the budget for resources is provided by the FPS Interior. As a result of its independence, the CGRS has a separate status within the structures of the FPS Interior.
Multilateral and international organisations
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
The UNHCR is a UN organisation. Its mission is to offer protection to refugees worldwide.
The UNHCR can provide advice to the IO, the CGRS or the CALL at any stage of the asylum procedure.
The International Organization for Migration (IOM)
The IOM is an inter-governmental organisation that is responsible for more structured migration. Via the Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration programme, the IOM provides support to applicants for international protection with respect to voluntary return to the country of origin.
Civil society
The CGRS engages in constructive dialogue with organisations in civil society that represent the interests of applicants for international protection, including Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen and CIRE, Coordination et Initiatives pour Refugiés et Étrangers .
The website resettlement contains information about the Belgian resettlement programme and the collaboration between the CGRS and the resettlement partners UNHCR, Fedasil, the IO, the FPS Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, IOM, the PCSWs and NGOs.
European and international networks
The European and international context increasingly determines national developments when it comes to asylum. A greater harmonisation of asylum policy is occurring on the basis of legislative initiatives and practical collaboration between the asylum services from the various EU Member States. The practical collaboration runs bilaterally or via a network.
European Migration Network (EMN)
The European Migration Network disseminates current, objective, reliable and comparable information on asylum and migration. EMN is coordinated at EU level by the European Commission. The Belgian national contact point for EMN comprises a representative of the CGRS, IO, Fedasil and the Federal Migration Centre.
European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA)
Since 19 January 2022, the new European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) has been operational. It replaces the European Asylum Support Office (EASO). This agency, based in Malta, is an indispensable link in the creation of a common European asylum system. It promotes practical cooperation between member states on asylum, helps member states meet their obligations and provides operational and technical support when member states face high migratory pressures.
Over the years, the CGRS has always been strongly committed to co-supporting the agency's activities. On the one hand, the Commissioner-General is the Belgian representative on the Management Board and thus helps determine the direction and priorities of the agency. On the other hand, numerous specialised CGRS staff members participate in a wide range of EUAA activities and projects such as numerous networks around COI (country of origin information), exclusion, vulnerability, training and the asylum processes.
Intergovernmental Consultations on Asylum, Refugee and Migration Policies (IGC)
A transatlantic forum that regularly unites representatives from Europe, the United States, Canada, New Zealand and Australia to discuss themes relating to asylum, migration and integration. The CGRS takes part in the working groups concerning COI and asylum.
General Directors’ Immigration Services Conference (GDISC)
GDISC is an informal network of directors and experts from administrations tasked with drawing up asylum or migration policy in EU Member States and candidate Member States.
Important European partners
Netherlands: Immigratie- en naturalisatiedienst (
France: Office français de protection des réfugiés et apatrides (
Germany: Bundesambt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (
United Kingdom: UK Border Agency – Home Office (
Sweden: Swedish Migration Board (
Norway: Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (
Denmark: Danish Immigration Service (
Luxembourg: Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes (